The Northern Pryazovia in the notes of foreigners in the 16th – mid 17th centuries
Northern Azov region, memoirs, travel notes, Nogai TatarsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the information capabilities of foreigners’ memoirs on research of the history of the Northern Azov region (within the borders of Ukraine) in the 16th and mid-17th centuries. The sources for the study were the notes of foreigners of different origins who stayed in the Crimean Khanate, in particular in the Northern Azov region, namely Polish Ambassador to the Crimea M. Broniewski, Dominican missionaries J. de Luc and E. D. d’Ascoli, Englishman J. Smith, and Turkish traveler E. Celebi. The historical chronological, historical comparative, historical genetic, source analysis and synthesis methods have been used.
The author shows the peculiarities of the origin and diversity of the memoiristics genres covered by the study, i.e. ethnographic and geographical notes based on personal impressions, a memoir combining autobiographical memoirs and travel notes, and a trave-logue. The information potential of memoirs for studying the history of the Northern Azov region has been analyzed. It has been noted that all the works have a much wider geo-graphi¬cal scope, and Northern Azov region was one of the areas of focus, among others. Despite the fact that information about the region has different scope and is often sparce and fragmentary, the memoirs of foreigners give an idea of the natural world and the pop-ulation of the Northern Azov region. The focus is placed on a fairly detailed picture of the nomadic life of the Nogai Tatars, which allows imagining their geographical location, re-lations with the Crimean Khanate, differences from the Crimean Tatars, and the conse-quences of the crisis changes that occurred as a result of the split of the Nogai Horde and resettlement in the Northern Black Sea and Azov regions in the 16th century. It has been noted that the evidence of Ukrainian Cossacks contained in the analyzed notes of foreign-ers indirectly testifies to their stay in the neighborhood with the Nogai Tatars in the North-ern Azov region.
Prospects for the study of the notes of foreigners are related to qualified translation and publication in Ukrainian, as well as further source analysis.
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