Inspections in secondary schools of the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s–1980s
comprehensive school of the Ukrainian SSR, inspection, inspector, teacher, student, training, activity, controlAbstract
The article describes inspectorate inspections in secondary schools of the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s–1980s. The tasks of our research are to study its source and historiographical base, to find out the main directions of inspections that took place in schools during the specified period; mechanisms for their implementation and response to them; outlining the prospects of scientific activity. The main methods used in the work are as follows: chronological (allowed to trace the dynamics of inspections during the second half of the 1940s–1980s), descriptive (to study the actual mechanism of inspections), comparative (to characterize inspections in different periods of the history of the Ukrainian SSR and from different directions), biographical (provided an opportunity to study the biographies of some teachers, their professional skills and views), systemic (allowed to summarize relevant information).
Among the approaches used during the research, we highlight the following: cultural, axiological, hermeneutic, and practical. Cultural approach – in the process of taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of society, which had certain cultural codes and conditioned human behavior and attitude towards others. Hermeneutic – valuable in that it allowed to analyze and study the texts of research sources, to single out the characteristic features of inspectorate inspections of schools of the Ukrainian SSR in the specified period. The axiological approach is due to the study of the value orientations of the Soviet society, which ignored the individual and chased digital indicators.
Inspectorate inspections in secondary schools of the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s–1980s demonstrated total control over the educational process. They were held in all institutions and quite often. Inspections were frontal, aimed at familiarization and criticism of the entire educational and educational process of the school, selective – related to a specific direction, or thematic. The inspectors focused on the institution’s administration, teachers and students. They usually found trouble by making remarks that had to be corrected within a certain period of time. In general, such measures were stressful for the participants of the educational process and an unnecessary procedure. However, the state needed similar mechanisms for their control. The perspective of our research may be an in-depth study of certain aspects of the proposed problem.
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