Large landowners of Donechchyna at the beginning of the industrial age
large land ownership, Donetsk region, land mobilization, nobles, industrial entrepreneur-shipAbstract
The purpose of article research is to determine the impact of industrial development on large farmers in Donetsk region at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. To achieve this purpose, the article uses statistical materials, descriptions of estates, documents of the Noble Land Bank, and sources of personal origin.
The methodology and scientific approaches are represented by the concept of mod-ernisation, which allows tracing transition from agrarian to industrial society in the large landed estates of Donetsk region at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. The research was conducted using historical and typological and historical and comparative methods.
The main outcomes of research carried out in the article show that the last third of the 19th century was marked by dynamic industrial development in Donetsk region, but the domi¬nant position in the region still belonged to the agricultural sector, and large landed estates played a significant role in it. Within Donetsk region, it covered about 1 million hectares, most of which belonged to the nobility. By 1917, the area of large private land-ownership had significantly decreased as a result of massive sale of land plots by the no-bility in favour of peasants. In Donetsk region, the rapid development of industry was an important factor. The Mandryk and Bantyshiv estates demonstrated their viability during the capitalist transformation. The author traces the social and economic evolution of sig-nificant agrarians in industrial entrepreneurship on example of Karpykh and Ilovaysk families. Examples of industrialisation «invasion» are demonstrated by savings of Man-dryk and Liven families, who had to give up their land in favour of industrial facilities. As a whole, the article traces social evolution of large farmers in Donetsk region as a part of modernisation transforma¬tions.
The value of these observations lies in the possibility of modernisation processes in Donetsk region determination in a general European context, which will contribute to historical consciousness decolonisation. Prospects for studying the problem include sources review from archival repositories of Poland, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, etc. A comparative analysis of the large landed estates transformations in Donetsk region and European countries could be efficient.
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